Portfolio Website HTML, CSS, JavaScript
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Mock Twitter Java
Mimicking Twitter, this program allows an administrator to create users and user groups. Users can add
themselves to a user group, participating in only one at a time, and can publish messages for their
followers to read. Users can also follow other users, populating their personal feed with messages from
said users in addition to their own.
Movie Rating Prediction Tool Python, Jupyter Notebook, NLTK, Gensim
Created a tool using Latent Dirichlet allocation to extract topics from 50k positive/negative IMDB movie
reviews in order to classify new, unseen movie descriptions. From the resulting classification, the
tool predicts if the movie description will be received generally positively or negatively.
Eaterie, a Food Delivery Website Python, Django, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, AWS, Heroku
Developed a mock food delivery website with a team of six. The website is able to handle user
registration with two different authorizations (customer/restaurant), a cart for potential food orders,
a review system for restaurants, functionality for updating menus as a restaurant, account preferences,
and a restaurant search functionality.